Saturday, April 04, 2020

Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers - #157 - R is for RETRO

Good morning all! I hope you join Edna and the Sistahs for some RETRO fun this week! 
Check out the newest challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers
Edna Rocked this one!! (Thanks Lee for the awesome graphic!)

R is for RETRO was a tough one, as I thought of a million different things I could do... but I settled for an art journal spread using some retro stamps, some paints, a photo and snarky quote of course!!

Looking forward to seeing all your creations for this fun challenge!



You have until  11:55 pm (EST) on Friday  April  17,  2020  to upload your project to the sisterhood blog.
Don’t forget to visit the blogs of the Snarky Sisters and show them some crafty love!
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to play along (check our snarky 
FAQs for more info):

·                     Link directly to your project (no backlinking), generic links will be deleted
·            more than 10 challenges per entry (including ours)
·                     You can enter a challenge up to three times as long as each is in a separate post.
Maybe YOU will win one of the coveted Queen of Snark or Princess of Snark badges to display on your blog!!

Are you an Instagrammer?
Follow the Sisterhood @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to the use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects


  1. Love it! I can remember those phones - they weighted a tonne, Jo x

  2. I never had one of those portable phones, but I sure remember rabbit ears and pay phones, uper cute and I love the sentiment, I know people I'd do that to.

  3. A friend of mine had one of those brick phones. Love all of the old school references.

    1. I think my Mom still used her's up till a few years ago! LOL!! Thanks!

  4. Fabulous page, it looks like you had fun creating this one too 😉. Wishing you a happy weekend! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  5. A great page Helen, love the image and fun quote.
    Avril xx

  6. LOL, this looks very much like my husb's first cell phone - came in a pouch and as Jo said, weighed a tonne! Love the rabbit ears on her head, too fun!

  7. Great art journal page. Well done and welcome to the team.

  8. Muahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    I love soooooooooooooooo much about this sistah!
    That totally looks like me from the 80s!
    The big hair, the big phone...and of course the snarky sentiment!
